Saturday, August 09, 2008

Fustrations of an Artist

OK...I've finally had time to work on my big piece again. The day started out lovely...I made some really satisfying decisions on color, temperature and saturation that I got from working on one of my landscapes. I took the dogs for their walk and have been working on it since. The problem is...I got home and realized there were some serious structural issues with the painting...UGH!
When working on this scale I try and plot alot of strategic points in advance to avoid this problem...however...invariably I get to a stage where I find that due to over exubarance and sometimes bad math I've made a mistake. THis happened tonight. So I have been working to correct problems instead of having fun. This photo shows some of that...look where the whit lines stand out, or their are weird shadows...those are corrections. A correction isn't as simple as painting over...because you have to make the correction and then layer over it to get rid of the mistake, which involves drying time and more layers.
Plus this whole process involves algebra which I am not a huge fan of.
Anyway, I am making progress again and hopefully my next post will be even better!

1 comment:

Judith HeartSong said...

Tina, the piece is coming along nicely. Working large is such a challenge to perspective and having painted a lot of murals over the years I can completely empathize!

I am looking forward to seeing more of this piece. I love the warm colors.